A fine modern hall 7 miles North East of Salisbury just off the A30 with garden, Tennis Court and plenty of parking. For our Hire rates for use of whole Hall or for individual meeting rooms – see our website below. Discount for Village or Charity use. Special package rate for Wedding receptions. (Pretty Village Church nearby.) Modern catering kitchen – see below. See our website for more pictures.
3 (Main Hall & 2 smaller rooms)
Well equipped modern kitchen range cooker, water heater, commercial dishwasher and refrigerator.
Winterslow Village Hall, Middleton Road, Winterslow, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 1PQ
Email: hallbooking@winterslowvillagehall.org.uk
Tel: 01980 863 490
For more information about this hall including licensing, events and capacity, please see the ‘Additional Information’ section to the right or below this description (on mobile devices). Facilities and features for this hall are listed at the top of the page (red icons).
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