Situated just three miles from Westbury on the B3098, The Jubilee Hall in Bratton was originally built in 1887 for the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria.

In 2002, after a great deal of hard work and extensive fund raising, an extension was added for the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.  The building had a complete ‘makeover’ and has been acclaimed Best Kept Village Hall in Wiltshire.

The Hall is used on an almost daily basis by village and visiting groups who comment on its warm, cosy and vibrant ambience. There is a small car park at the rear and plenty of on road parking.  A play park is situated on the village green just opposite the hall making it an ideal venue for children’s parties.

The hall is managed by a voluntary group, Bratton Jubilee Hall Management Committee (BJHMC), registered charity number 238186 who undertake the upkeep and running of the hall, as well as organising popular events like monthly Supper Nights and the Village Fete.

The hall can be hired by local residents for as little as £5.00 (for the annexe) and is the ideal place to hold childrens’ parties or other events.


Bratton Jubilee Hall, Melbourne Street, Bratton, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 4RW


Contact Esther Davis

Tel: 07792 126655

E-mail: estherdavis076@gmail.com

For more information about this hall including licensing, events and capacity, please see the ‘Additional Information’ section to the right or below this description (on mobile devices). Facilities and features for this hall are listed at the top of the page (red icons).

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