Village Hall Publications
Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE) has produced a variety of useful resource guides for Village Halls and Community Buildings, covering everything from data protection to bingo in village halls.
As part of your WVHA membership, your hall or building can request a free copy of these information sheets by contacting the Village Halls Advisor Heather Pinney ( If you are not a member of WVHA, copies can be ordered via ACRE, for a fee.
The following ACRE Model documents are also available to members on request:
- Articles of Association for a village hall
- Preliminary Declaration of Trust
- Occupational Licence
- Lease of land and trust deed – Charity Commission approved
- Transfer of freehold land and trust deed – Charity Commission approved
- Model Hiring Agreement – 2016
- Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) Constitution for a village hall – 2016
- Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) Constitution and Lease for a village hall – Charity Commission approved – 2016
Please see below for a full list of available publications: